Why do people start ignoring ?

The question hits me like hell : Why do the ones you adore and the ones who appreciate you all of a sudden ignore you, like you don’t matter anymore?

What happened suddenly was that there was no other option but to ignore? People tell different stories, and like every other story, it has its own reasons that make them act in that way.

The first one is that you hurt them in a way that they could never imagine, breaking their hearts and their trust. They had enough and tried enough while communicating with you or having a conversation with you, but since you don’t hold accountability for any of your actions, they had no other choice but to ignore you and live their lives peacefully.

The next reason might be that you are a good person and they know it, but you are not the one they want to have in their life. As harsh as it sounds to hear that, sometimes people ignore you because they don’t know what to do with you. They even think that they don’t deserve you, and don’t you try to prove your worth to them.

Sometimes people are confused with themselves, and you are not the one who can help them fix that. If someone ignores you, even after you have the purest intention for them, you are not losing anything, but they are losing everything.

And the last reason might be that maybe you outgrew them, or they outgrew you. As short as it is, the deeper it has its meaning. Sometimes people don’t know how to communicate this, which can hurt your feelings, so they choose to ignore you.

But I want to tell you one thing, If somebody is ignoring you or choosing to avoid you, even after bringing things up again and again, do you think you deserve it?

No matter how hard the situations are for them, if instead of communicating or talking it out, they choose to ignore you, then trust me, they are quite aware of the hurt you are going to get after that, so you know what the answer to that will be, because, The heart knows, but it pretends.

The Foundation of Relationships: Loyalty and Trust

Loyalty and trust are the bedrock of any meaningful relationship. They are the pillars that uphold the structure of our connections with others, be it in friendships, partnerships, or even in the workplace.

Loyalty is not blind allegiance; rather, it is a conscious choice to stand by someone through thick and thin, to support them in their endeavors, and to have their back when they need it most.

Trust, on the other hand, is the belief that someone is reliable, honest, and has your best interests at heart. It is built over time through shared experiences, honesty, and vulnerability. Trust is fragile, easily broken, but with effort and commitment, it can be repaired and even strengthened.

In a world where relationships can be fleeting and superficial, cultivating loyalty and trust is more important than ever. It requires us to be authentic in our interactions, to communicate openly and honestly, and to be there for one another in both good times and bad. It is about being reliable, dependable, and true to our word.

Let us strive to be people of loyalty and trust, building relationships that are strong, resilient, and meaningful. For in the end, it is these bonds that truly enrich our lives and give us a sense of belonging and purpose.


When thinking about your career, there’s two ways to go about it: One, you think about what you love doing, what you want to do, and you go give it your all, hoping you can make a living doing that. This is generally the advice handed out by many. But thereā€™s a second way.

Think about the living standard you want and work your way back from there. Think about what you want in life: A family? A car? Are you good with an apartment or do you want a house? How many vacations do you want to take per year, and what kind? How much do you want to travel?

What hobbies do you enjoy? Whatā€™s that going to cost you? How much money do you need to make per month to afford all that? Okay, what kind of a job pays like that? And of those jobs, which ones do you think you can/could do? What kind of education do you need to get into that job?

This approach has the benefit that you narrow down your choices as you work down the list. The Do-What-You-Love/Want approach has the downside of not doing that, there’s a thousand choices to pick from. And what about “what you want to do for a living” narrows it down?

I like football, so do I become an athlete, or a footballer or is football the hobby I want to finance while doing something else? The second way is much clearer because it gives you a tangiable goal: make X amount of money/month.

Working backwards, this has the upside of creating realistic goals and milestones/markers of success that you can work down like a checklist. And that gives you some place to start. The question is: Do you want to work for yourself, or do you want to be an employee?

Because Option A – ā€œDo what you wantā€ – can easily lead to you being self-employed. But it comes with the prospect of charging ahead on your own, taking on all that financial risk on your own, with no tangible job skills that you could bounce back to if you failed.

Option B is limited, in that you have to pick from existing job, but also jobs that you know about. Like, could be that two (2) years into your apprenticeship you find out about another, more fitting career path and now you want to switch.

But if you pick something, you have a structured approach and a goal to work towards to, and you are very clear about your motivations. You know what the end result looks like for you, and you tailor your life and everything around it to go get it. Thatā€™s what gets work done.

Too many people being told to turn their passion into a career, leading to a lot of disillusioned adults struggling in crowded job markets, ultimately ending up in jobs that they did not need a degree for in the first place, and getting paid less than they wanted. Donā€™t be that.


Life’s journey is peppered with moments that, while fleeting, leave imprints on our hearts forever. It’s in these instances of pure, unadulterated joy that we find the true essence of existence, a reminder that the most profound connections transcend time, age, and all worldly constraints. As we celebrate milestones, it’s not the passage of years that we honor, but the accumulation of memories, the laughter shared, and the tears wiped away in understanding and love.

The magic of surprising someone dear, especially in a place where dreams are the currency and wonder fills the air, speaks volumes of the bonds that bind us. It’s a testament to the enduring power of love, a force that defies the inevitable march of time, rejuvenating our spirits with its timeless vitality. Such gestures of love and celebration are not merely acts of marking another year gone by but are affirmations of the joy and beauty that each day holds, especially when shared with those who light up our world.

This celebration is a bridge between generations, a dance of happiness that echoes the laughter of the past and the promise of tomorrow. It reminds us that every heartbeat is a story, every wrinkle a badge of honor earned in the service of those we cherish. To surprise, to delight, to embrace the magic of the moment with those who have been our anchor and our wings is to acknowledge the cycle of life, a cycle that spins not just on the axis of time but on the moments that take our breath away.

In the grand tapestry of existence, it’s these moments of connection, of unexpected joy and shared wonder, that stand out as beacons of light. They remind us to cherish the journey, to hold dear the companions of our souls, and to celebrate not just the milestones but the journey itself, with all its twists and turns. For in the end, it’s the love we share and the memories we create that weave the most exquisite story of our lives.


Don’t postpone your joy. The secret to true happiness is not hidden in tomorrow’s promise or nestled in yesterday’s memories, it thrives in the heart of today. This very moment is ripe with potential for joy, waiting to be uncovered in the day’s unfolding. Life tempts us to look beyond the the past. Yet, joy whispers gently, urging us to anchor ourselves in the now, to bask in today’s warmth, to relish the laughter, the love, and even horizon, to chase after future pleasures or dwell in the challenges that today presents.

Every day is an invitation to find beauty in the ordinary, to celebrate life’s simple pleasures. The aroma of morning coffee, the tranquility of a quiet walk, the thrill of a new book, or the comfort of familiar conversations, these are the threads that weave the tapestry of daily joy. Today calls us to live intentionally, to make choices that add to our happiness and the happiness of those around us, to notice the small wonders and acknowledge the blessings that each moment brings.

Let this message be a beacon, illuminating the path to contentment that lies in embracing the present. Make today the day you laugh more, love deeply, and find gratitude in the everyday. Let your actions reflect a heart that seeks joy in the now, understanding that every moment is a precious gift to be savored.

As we journey through life, let’s vow to not defer our joy, to not wait for perfect circumstances to feel happy. The beauty of life is found in its imperfections, in the unexpected joys that catch us by surprise. Today is rich with opportunities to create joy, to make memories, and to live fully.

Embrace it with an open heart, a mindful presence, and a soul eager to find joy in the simplicity of being. Today is not just another day; it’s a new opportunity to choose joy, to be present, and to celebrate the magic of the mundane. Don’t postpone your joy. Find your joy in what’s happening today, for that’s indeed where it lies.

ā€œMen Upā€

The reason it’s important to show compassion to the men you care about and not just reserve it for women and children is because if men think you won’t give them comfort/will just be harsh and tell them to “man up” then they won’t talk to you when they actually need your support.

I’m mainly talking to men here. Men are notoriously bad at emotionally supporting other men, but this is part of brotherhood. If he can’t talk to his brothers or his father, then who does he really have? Fucking nobody. So step up, be a bro and show your bros compassion, instead of trying to be such a tough guy you never show any because you think it makes YOU look weak if you do.

Not saying you should enable weakness and BS and self-victimisation in other men. Not at all. You should talk firmly and wisely – but also with compassion. It’s a balance. Like how a loving father would talk to his son – that’s how you should talk to your bros. Firmly, but with wisdom, love and good intention. Stop being too insecure to show your affection for your fellow man. Get comfortable with it, and become a better friend and brother to the men you care about.

The Importance of Consideration in Love: Building Stronger Relationships

Love, the profound and complex emotion that has inspired countless works of art, literature, and music, is often romanticized as an all encompassing force that conquers all obstacles. However, amidst the grand gestures and passionate declarations, there exists a quieter yet equally vital aspect of love: consideration.

Consideration in love involves thoughtful actions, empathy, and understanding towards one’s partner. It’s about putting their needs, feelings, and well-being on par with one’s own, and actively working to nurture the relationship. In essence, consideration is the foundation upon which enduring and fulfilling relationships are built.

One of the fundamental aspects of consideration in love is communication. Effective communication involves not only expressing one’s own thoughts and emotions but also actively listening to and validating those of one’s partner. By fostering open and honest communication, couples can better understand each other’s perspectives, resolve conflicts, and strengthen their bond.

Empathy is another essential component of consideration. It involves stepping into your partner’s shoes and seeing the world through their eyes. By empathizing with their experiences, feelings, and struggles, you demonstrate that you value and respect their individuality. Empathy fosters a deeper connection and promotes mutual support and understanding within the relationship.

Beyond communication and empathy, consideration in love also manifests through small yet meaningful gestures. Whether it’s cooking their favorite meal, surprising them with a thoughtful gift, or offering a shoulder to lean on during tough times, these acts of kindness and thoughtfulness demonstrate your commitment and care for your partner.

Furthermore, consideration in love extends beyond just the romantic relationship itself. It encompasses how you treat each other in various aspects of life, including family dynamics, friendships, and social interactions. Showing consideration towards your partner in all facets of life reinforces the strength and stability of your relationship.

In today’s fast paced world, where external pressures and distractions abound, it’s easy for couples to lose sight of the importance of consideration in love. However, prioritizing consideration can reap immense benefits, including increased intimacy, trust, and overall relationship satisfaction.

It’s important to note that consideration in love is not always easy. It requires self-awareness, patience, and a willingness to compromise. However, the rewards far outweigh the effort, as it lays the groundwork for a resilient and enduring partnership.

In conclusion, consideration is a cornerstone of love that should not be overlooked or underestimated. By fostering open communication, practicing empathy, and demonstrating thoughtfulness in our actions, we can cultivate stronger, more fulfilling relationships built on a foundation of mutual respect and understanding. So, let us strive to make consideration an integral part of our journey through the intricacies of love.

Menā€™s Day

Being a strong man, includes being kind. There is nothing weak about kindness and compassion. There is nothing weak about looking out for others. There is nothing weak about being honorable.

You are not a sucker to have integrity and to treat others with respect. Every respect you have, you earned it. There is no respect in a vacuum. So always check disrespect.

You don’t do what women want. You don’t do what children want. You do what is in the best interest of your relationship and family and that includes saving women and children from themselves. Performativeness is not performance. Let the result justify your decisions. Date women with values and raise children with values. Excess freedom is toxic. Do not allow women and children under your authority feel an absence of authority. It is self destructive.

Society is in your hands. Live with honour and speak the truth. People will talk anyway, so why not just speak the truth to conviction? Strive in your masculinity and let your decisions and action be for the greater good of society.

It is not in women’s place to tell you how to be a man. They only create effeminates they themselves neither love nor respect. There is no such thing as toxic masculinity. There is masculinity and there is toxicity. Anyone can be toxic. Avoid toxicity and strive in your masculinity.

You have no business with virtue signalling. People who virtue signal have no virtue. They only posture and anyone can see through the smokescreen. Just be good, virtuous and masculine. You don’t need to posture.

Allow yourself to be loved too. “Happy Wife, Happy life” has never created a happy home. You only transfer the truth of your burden to your friends. Try to be happy too because your state of mind affects everyone under your protection. Date people with values and lead with love.

Love can be tough too so learn to take a stand. Taking a stand is not toxicity, it is leadership. You are a man. Try to live long. Take care of yourself. Men are dying too early. You should try to see your grandkids grow up at least.

Finding strength and toughness in the rhythmic patterns of the ocean.

As I stood by the shore, gazed out at the endless expanse of the ocean, its waves rolling in with a soothing rhythm. In that moment, I could not help but feel a deep connection to the ocean and the way it mirrored the ebbs and flows of our own lives.

Just like the ocean, life can be full of unexpected twists and turns. We may feel like we are drowning in the chaos of our daily struggles, struggling to stay afloat. But just as the ocean has a calming effect on our minds, so too can we find solace and strength in our own resilience.

As I watched the waves, I thought about how they rise and fall, constantly changing but always moving forward and I realized that we too can learn to ride the waves of life, to adapt to change and emerge stronger and wiser.

So, if you are feeling overwhelmed or lost, remember the ocean and its infinite power. Let the waves wash away your worries, and know that you too can rise above the challenges and keep moving forward. The journey may be unpredictable, but with each passing wave, you grow stronger and more capable of overcoming any obstacle.

God Fearing Relationships

Often times, I have seen people claim they want a God-fearing partner. But I have realized many don’t even know what that means when you look at them and the kind of partner they actually choose. People hide their worldly desire and lust under “God-fearing” to appear decent. But the real question is, what is a God-fearing relationship?

There can be no God-fearing relationship without God at the helm. To build a God-fearing relationship, you must understand it through God’s relationship with man. A husband should love his wife as much as Christ loved the church and gave his life for it. Eph 5:25

Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church and he is the saviour of the body. Eph 5:22 -23

The love a man has for his wife must be thorough and sacrificial. By choosing her, you have chosen to love her with your life and be willing to sacrifice it. This is why you can’t afford to fuck up your vetting process. You have to be intentional about whom you are committing your life to and whom you are laying it down for. Christ laid down his life and in return, we honour and follow. You dont lay down your life for someone who does not listen to you or follow your leadership. Don’t outsource your leadership or masculinity to your woman else you lose your place.

As a woman, do your due diligence in choosing a partner. “Till death” is a long time to commit to nonsense. You have to choose a man who loves you with his life, whose judgement you can trust, whom you believe can lead your home and raise good kids with. When you have gotten those standards right, you then submit. Choose someone whose leadership you can trust and follow. He is loving you with his life already. 1John 4:19 says we love God because he first loved us. If you are not interested in a man, it is okay. But when a man has come to you with love and you choose him, reciprocate that love and lose all these worldly sense of entitlement and greed that is lacking in love.

This is where I will talk about “See Finish.” I have often said you can’t love someone if you don’t know them. When the Bible says “Adam knew Eve” it was talking about intimacy. Your life and every decision impacts on your partner because they are an extension of you. What excites your partner excites you and what hurts them, hurts you because of the power of intimacy. I’m not talking sex. Your partner is your biggest cheer leader. The world out there is cold but home should be your peace.

Paul writing to the Corinthian Church taught us that Love is patient, kind, does not envy, does not boast, not proud(MEN), does not dishonor others, is not self-seeking(WOMEN), is not easily angered, keeps no record of wrongs(WOMEN), does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth, always protects(MEN), always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails (For those who says love is not enough).

See where you are lacking and fix up. When it comes to sexual relations, remember your vows. The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife. 1 Cor 7: 4. Don’t follow worldly laws to starve your partner of their conjugal right.

Peter tells husbands to treat their wives with kindness and consideration as being the weaker vessels and tells wives to honour their husbands with submission, purity of heart, godly values and inner beauty like Sarah and not elaborate beautification with elaborate hairstyles, gold jewelries and clothes. Some of you are unapproachable by your partners. They are afraid of you. Jesus said “come unto me all that labour and are of heavy leaden and he will give you rest.” Matt 11:28. Your partner must find rest in you. You are supposed to be their safe place.

Above all, your prayer life and why it is also important to marry someone of your faith. Husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered. 1 Pet 3. Treating each other with love and with godly kindness impacts on your prayer.

Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. THE EFFECTUAL FERVENT PRAYER OF A RIGHTEOUS MAN AVAILS MUCH. You can not be righteous if you don’t love your wife. James 5:16. Be accountable to each other and acknowledge your fault else the devil finds a way into your home. There is nothing cute about unaccountability.

If a man say, ā€œI love God,ā€ and hateth his brother, he is a liar. For he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen? 1 John 4:20. How much more your wife who is a joint heir of the grace of God? The proof that you love God is in how your love yourselves. This starts from your relationship. If you don’t do it in relationship, you can’t do it in marriage.

You will marry once and marry right in Jesus’ name. If you have been hurt before, may you find a better one. In the end, you accept the love you think you deserve.